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The Center’s core leadership is comprised of Emory faculty, staff, and post-doctoral fellows who are integral to the Center’s mission and work. Senior fellows included here are faculty from the Law School and other Emory schools that are active in the scholarly life of the Center. Listed alphabetically by last name.




The CSLR Faculty Advisory Committee consists of Emory University faculty from different departments and scholars and provides feedback to the Executive Director on Center priorities and the implementation of new and existing initiatives.



Recognizing that the study of law and religion is inherently interdisciplinary, CSLR welcomes Emory faculty from different departments and units to become affiliated with the Center as Affiliated Faculty.


mcdonald distinguished senior fellows


The McDonald Distinguished Senior Fellowship Program gathers together more than a dozen esteemed scholars from the Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Christian traditions to promote leading research in the area of law and religion. The group is currently scheduled to meet regularly in the United States and Europe between 2024 to 2029 in order to promote a new set of scholars and develop another integrated series of books and articles rooted in the intersection of law and religion. This diverse and respected cohort have been drawn from elite universities across the US and Europe and their work will add fresh contributions to CSLR’s printed and digital scholarship.




Senior Fellows are faculty based at other institutions who have made substantial scholarly contributions to a CSLR-sponsored publication or project within the last two years.




Research Fellows are scholars or recent graduates who are working closely with a faculty member within the Center on a particular project related to one of the Center’s research focus areas.