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The Impact of the Family on Character Formation
Bioethics and the Holocaust:
The Impact of the Family on Character Formation
Ethical Education, and the Communication
of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

John Witte, Jr., Michael Welker, and Stephen Pickard
(Leipzig, 2021)
Bioethics and the Holocaust:
A Comprehensive Study in How the Holocaust
Continues to Shape the Ethics of Health, Medicine and Human Rights

Stacy Gallin and Ira Bedzow
(Springer, 2022)
The family is humanity’s oldest and most basic social institution, but today it is fragile, fractured, and fraught in many liberal lands. This volume gathers scholars from sociology, psychology, history, religion, ethics, law, and medicine from five continents to analyze the complex nature and place of the family in character formation and human flourishing. The chapters study the impact of catechesis, schooling, work, and discipline on the development of individual moral agency and responsibility. They document the critical roles of family love, trust, fidelity, and story-telling in shaping the moral character of all family members from infancy to old age. They describe effective strategies of resistance and resilience for family members who face abuse, divorce, death, chauvinism, racism, and homophobia. And several chapters challenge modern arguments and policies that aim to flatten if not abolish the marital family, even while they call for family law reforms.This open access book offers a framework for understanding how the Holocaust has shaped and continues to shape medical ethics, health policy, and questions related to human rights around the world
First Name: John
Last Name: Witte, Jr.
First Name: Stacy
Last Name: Gallin
Law and Christianity in Poland:
The Impact of Education on Character Formation,
Law and Christianity in Poland:
The Legacy of the Great Jursits

Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier and Rafael Domingo
(Routledge, 2022)
The Impact of Education on Character Formation,
Ethics, and the Communication of Values
in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

Stephen Pickard, Michael Welker, and John Witte, Jr.
(Leipzig, 2022)
This volume is the first comprehensive study of the Polish history of law and Christianity written in English for a global audience. It examines the lives of twenty-one central figures in Polish law with a focus on how their Christian faith was a factor in molding the evolution of law in their country and the region. The individuals selected for study exhibit wide-ranging areas of expertise, from private law and codification, through national public law and constitutional law, to international developments that left their mark on Poland and the world. The chapters discuss the jurists within their historical, intellectual, and political context. The editors selected jurists after extensive consultation with legal historians looking at the jurists’ particular merits, contributions to law in general, religious perspective, and period under consideration.This book investigates the impact of education on the formation of character, moral education and the communication of values ​​in late modern pluralistic societies. Scholars from four continents and many different academic fields are involved. While the basic framework for the contributions is informed by Christian traditions, the disciplines cover a significant range, including theology, education, psychology, literature, anthropology, law, and business, making for a rich variety of thematic concentrations and perspectives. Readers will quickly sense that the educational foundations and trajectories of any given country have a significant reach into the fabric and shape of the society and its values, making education a barometer of the well-being of a people and their culture.
First Name: Franciszek
Last Name: Longchamps de Bérier
First Name: Stephen
Last Name: Pickard
The Impact of the Military on Character Formation,
International Humanitarian Law
The Impact of the Military on Character Formation,
Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values
in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

Stephen Pickard, Michael Welker, and John Witte, Jr.
(Leipzig, 2022)
International Humanitarian Law
Johan D. van der Vyver
(Lambert Academic Publishing, 2022)
In an often violent and dangerous world, military defense systems exercise a major role in the ways societies and nations function, develop their aspirations, protect themselves, promote their identities and shape their destinies. As we are only too aware at this time in global history, conflict, war and peace are deeply entangled and often morally ambiguous. This timely volume of essays offers contributions from Europe, Africa and Australia. It raises fundamental issues about the indispensability of the virtues in the military; the relationship between military and the public good; the nature of combatants and a soldier’s responsibilities for humanity and peace; moral and spiritual injury; and new challenges for pastoral care in the armed forces.Since World War I, the international community of states has attempted to eliminate armed conflict as a means of settling international disputes. Centuries ago, Disedarius Erasmus (1466-1536) proclaimed: “War is pleasant only for those who have never had any experience of it.” Following World War II (1939-1945) the United Nations Organization was established with the primary purpose of maintaining international peace and security. However, armed conflicts and the violation of basic rules of International Humanitarian Law are in this day and age still with us. Today, even Super Powers engage illegally in armed interventions, as evidenced by the current invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces.
First Name: Stephen
Last Name: Pickard
First Name: Johan D.
Last Name: van der Vyver
The Impact of the Media on Character Formation,
Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment, Fifth Edition
The Impact of the Media on Character Formation,
Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values
in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

Michael Welker, Jürgen von Hagen, and John Witte, Jr.
(Leipzig, 2022)
Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment, Fifth Edition
John Witte, Jr., Joel A. Nichols, and Richard W. Garnett
(Oxford University Press, 2022)
Pluralism has become the defining characteristic of modern societies. Individuals with differing values clamor for equality. Organizations and groups assert particular interests. Social movements flourish and fade. Some see in this clash of principles and aims the potential for a more just human community, while others fear a cultural erosion. Yet beneath this welter stand powerful and pervasive institutions, whose distinctive norms profoundly shape our moral commitments and character. Specialists on media and communication, journalism, television, theologians, economists, sociologists, philosophers and ethicists discuss the many functions and challenges the media pose to the communication and orientation in late modern pluralistic societies. Contributions come from Germany, the UK, France, the USA, South Africa, and Australia.This accessible and authoritative introduction tells the American story of religious liberty from its colonial beginnings to the Supreme Court cases of 2021. The authors analyze the formation of the First Amendment religion clauses and describe the unique and enduring principles of the American experiment in religious freedom. Successive chapters map all 240+ Supreme Court cases on religious freedom and the concluding reflections argue that protecting religious freedom is critical for democratic order and constitutional rule of law, even if it needs judicious balancing. This new 5th edition not only includes religious liberty scholar Richard W. Garnett as a coauthor, but also addresses new hot-button issues and cases such as those on religious freedom versus sexual liberty, religious worship in the time of COVID and freedom of conscience and exemption claims.
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Welker
First Name: John
Last Name: Witte, Jr.
Finding America in Exodus:
The Impact of the Law:
Finding America in Exodus:
A Blueprint for "A More Perfect Union"
in the 21st Century

Michael Broyde and Reuven Travis
(Wipf and Stock, 2022)
The Impact of the Law:
On Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values
in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

John Witte, Jr. and Michael Welker
(Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2021)
God's charge to the Jewish people at Sinai was to be "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation." Nowhere is freedom found in this exhortation, even though the Jews had been freed from slavery only seven weeks prior. That is because the Jews were not liberated merely to become a free people. God wanted them and expected them to evolve into a nation committed to creating a law-abiding society. From this perspective, freedom is just a necessary precondition to achieving this. America's founders understood this, as the first of the national goals enumerated in the preamble to the US Constitution is "to form a more perfect Union," followed by "to establish Justice." Yet greatness does not equate to perfection, and America's history is marked by episodes, slavery foremost among them. Falling short of the mark, as the American and Jewish people have done more times than either would like to remember, does not negate their aspirational national goals. It just means that we must be prepared to honestly assess morally challenging situations when they arise and then recommit ourselves to our goals, be it becoming "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" or creating "a more perfect Union."This volume addresses whether, how, and where laws (variously defined) teach values and shape moral character in late modern liberal societies. Each author recognizes the essential value of state law in fostering peace, security, health, education, charity, trade, democracy, constitutionalism, justice, and human rights, among many other moral goods. Each author also recognizes, however, the grave betrayals of law in supporting fascism, slavery, apartheid, genocide, persecution, violence, racism, and other forms of immorality and injustice. They thus call for state laws that set a basic civil morality of duty for society and for robust freedoms that protect private individuals and private groups to cultivate a higher morality of aspiration. With contributions by Rudiger Bittner, Brian Bix, Frank Brennan, Allen Calhoun, Robert F. Cochran, Jr., Kenneth John Crispin, Jean Bethke Elshtain, E. Allan Farnsworth, James E. Fleming, M. Cathleen Kaveny, Ute Mager, Linda C. McClain, Reid Mortensen, Patrick Parkinson, Thomas Pfeiffer, Robert Vosloo, Michael Welker, and John Witte, Jr.
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Broyde
First Name: John
Last Name: Witte, Jr.
Faith, Freedom, and Family
Law, Religion, and the Family in Africa
Faith, Freedom, and Family
John Witte, Jr.
(Mohr Siebeck, 2021)
Law, Religion, and the Family in Africa
M. Christian Green and Faith Kabata
(African Sun Media, 2021)
Faith, freedom, and family together form the bedrock of a good life and a just society. But this foundation has suffered seismic shocks from vibrant religious pluralism, profound political changes, and new conceptions of marriage. This volume retrieves the major legal and theological teachings that have shaped these institutions and suggests ways to strengthen and integrate them anew. Part I highlights the work of several scholars of law and religion who have defined and defended the place of faith in law, politics, and society. Part II documents the development of freedom in the West and parries the attacks of skeptics of modern rights. Part III reaffirms the family as a cornerstone of faith and freedom historically and today, even while defending some modern marital reforms. Opening essays by the editors and closing interviews of the author place Witte's work in biographical and intellectual context and map some of the new frontiers and challenges of faith, freedom, and family around the globe.The family is a crucial site for the interaction of law and religion the world over, including Africa. In many African societies, the family is governed by a range of sources of law, including civil, constitutional, customary and religious law. International law and human rights principles have been domesticated into African legal systems, particularly to protect the rights of women and children. Religious rites and rituals govern sexuality, marriage, divorce, child-rearing, inheritance, intergenerational relations and more in Christianity, Islam and indigenous African custom. This book examines the African family with attention to tradition and change, comparative law, the relation of parents and children to the state, indigenous religion and customary law, child marriage and child labour and migration, diaspora and displacement.
First Name: John
Last Name: Witte, Jr.
First Name: M. Christian
Last Name: Green
Australian Jurists and Christianity
Law and Christianity in Latin America:
Australian Jurists and Christianity
Geoff Lindsay and Wayne Hudson
(The Federation Press, 2021)
Law and Christianity in Latin America:
The Work of Great Jurists

Matthew C. Mirow and Rafael Domingo
(Routledge, 2021)
Australian Jurists and Christianity provides new perspectives on the relationship between law and religion in Australia. It claims that the relationship between law and religion was more significant in Australia than has been suggested. Specifically, it suggests that Christianity was a significant influence on Australian jurists, both as public figures and as makers of Australian law. The volume does this by means of case studies of some 24 leading Australian jurists: Lachlan Macquarie, James Stephen, Richard Bourke, John Hubert Plunkett, George Higinbotham, Samuel Griffith, Inglis Clark, Henry Bournes Higgins, Alfred Deakin, Edith Cowan, Lord Atkin, Robert Menzies, WJV Windeyer, Roma Mitchell, Gough Whitlam, Ron Wilson, Christopher Weeramantry, Gerard Brennan, William Deane, Robin Sharwood, Eddie Mabo, Murray Gleeson, Michael Kirby and John Hatzistergos. The case studies are introduced by a substantive guide to the nature of Australian legal practice which brings out distinctive features of the Australian experience. The volume also offers suggestions for how the role of religion in Australian legal history might be rethought in the future. This volume forms part of the international series Great Christian Jurists produced under the auspices of the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University and includes a foreword by Australia’s renowned legal historian, Bruce Kercher.The book is a significant contribution to our ability to understand the work and perspectives of jurists and their effect on legal development in Latin America. The individuals selected for study exhibit wide-ranging areas of expertise from private law and codification, through national public law and constitutional law, to international developments that left their mark on the region and the world. The chapters discuss the jurists within their historical, intellectual, and political context. The editors selected jurists after extensive consultation with legal historians in various countries of the region looking at the jurist’s particular merits, contributions to law in general, religious perspective, and importance within the specific country and period under consideration. Giving the work a diversity of international and methodological perspectives, the chapters have been written by distinguished legal scholars and historians from Latin America and around the world.
First Name: Geoff
Last Name: Lindsay
First Name: Matthew C.
Last Name: Mirow
The Impact of Academic Research:
Christianity and International Law
The Impact of Academic Research:
On Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values
in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

William Schweiker, Michael Welker, John Witte, Jr., and Stephen Pickard
(Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2021)
Christianity and International Law
Pamela Slotte and John D. Haskell
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
This volume addresses whether, how, and where academic research has an impact on ethical education, character formation, and the communication of values in late modern pluralistic societies. It reflects the great impacts of a global network of research universities, with the enormous range from the natural sciences to mathematics, historical and theological investigations. It offers praises of the institutionalized impact of the search for truth and the defense of tested truth-claims, but also skeptical voices with respect to the ethical impact of academic research today. With contributions by Stefan Alkier (Frankfurt), Rudiger Bittner (Bielefeld), Celia Deane-Drummond (Oxford), Bernold Fiedler (Berlin), Andreas Glaeser (Chicago), Gary Hauk (Atlanta), Jorg Hufner (Heidelberg), Michael Kirschfink (Heidelberg), Andreas Schule (Leipzig), William Schweiker (Chicago), Michael Welker (Heidelberg), and John Witte, Jr. (Atlanta).This cross-disciplinary collaboration offers historical and contemporary scholarship exploring the interface of Christianity and international law. Christianity and International Law aims to understand and move past arguments, narratives and tropes that commonly frame law-religion studies in global governance. Readers are introduced to a range of confessional and critical perspectives explicitly engaging a diverse range of methodological and theoretical orientations to rethink how we experience and find ourselves caught within the phenomena of Christianity and international law.
First Name: William
Last Name: Schweiker
First Name: Pamela
Last Name: Slotte
Law and the Christian Tradition
Law and the Christian Tradition
in Modern Russia

Paul Valliere and Randall A. Poole
(Routledge, 2021)
Crimes within the Jurisdiction of the
International Criminal Court

Johan D. van der Vyver
(LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2021)
This book, authored by an international group of scholars, focuses on a vibrant central current within the history of Russian legal thought: how Christianity, and theistic belief generally, has inspired the aspiration to the rule of law in Russia, informed Russian philosophies of law, and shaped legal practices. Following a substantial introduction to the phenomenon of Russian legal consciousness, the volume presents twelve concise, non-technical portraits of modern Russian jurists and philosophers of law whose thought was shaped significantly by Orthodox Christian faith or theistic belief. Also included are chapters on the role the Orthodox Church has played in the legal culture of Russia and on the contribution of modern Russian scholars to the critical investigation of Orthodox canon law.Crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court must be offenses under customary international law and include genocide, a rich variety of crimes against humanity, an equally rich variety of war crimes committed (a) in an international armed conflict and (b) in armed conflicts not of an international character, and the crime of genocide. The definition of genocide and the conditions under which the ICC can prosecute the crime of genocide was left unresolved by the Rome conference but was resolved at a review conference held in Kampala, Uganda in 2010.This book deals in detail with the definition of crimes and jurisprudence of the ICC in applying those definitions to situations in different countries of the world. The most recent judgments of the ICC are included, such as the Trial Judgment of 4 February 2021 in the case against Dominic Ongwen stemming from the situation in Uganda and the Sentencing Judgment in the Ongwen Case of 6 May 2021.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Valliere
First Name: Johan D.
Last Name: van der Vyver
History and Structures on the
International Criminal Court

Johan D. van der Vyver
(LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2021)
Functioning of the International Criminal Court

Johan D. van der Vyver
(LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2021)
Crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court must be offenses under customary international law and include genocide, a rich variety of crimes against humanity, an equally rich variety of war crimes committed (a) in an international armed conflict and (b) in armed conflicts not of an international character, and the crime of genocide. The definition of genocide and the conditions under which the ICC can prosecute the crime of genocide was left unresolved by the Rome conference but was resolved at a review conference held in Kampala, Uganda in 2010.This book deals in detail with the definition of crimes and jurisprudence of the ICC in applying those definitions to situations in different countries of the world. The most recent judgments of the ICC are included, such as the Trial Judgment of 4 February 2021 in the case against Dominic Ongwen stemming from the situation in Uganda and the Sentencing Judgment in the Ongwen Case of 6 May 2021.Crimes within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court must be offenses under customary international law and include genocide, a rich variety of crimes against humanity, an equally rich variety of war crimes committed (a) in an international armed conflict and (b) in armed conflicts not of an international character, and the crime of genocide. The definition of genocide and the conditions under which the ICC can prosecute the crime of genocide was left unresolved by the Rome conference but was resolved at a review conference held in Kampala, Uganda in 2010.This book deals in detail with the definition of crimes and jurisprudence of the ICC in applying those definitions to situations in different countries of the world. The most recent judgments of the ICC are included, such as the Trial Judgment of 4 February 2021 in the case against Dominic Ongwen stemming from the situation in Uganda and the Sentencing Judgment in the Ongwen Case of 6 May 2021.
First Name: Johan D.
Last Name: van der Vyver
First Name: Johan D.
Last Name: van der Vyver
The Blessings of Liberty:
Law and The Christian Tradition in Scandinavia:
The Blessings of Liberty:
Human Rights and Religious Freedom
in the Western Legal Tradition

John Witte, Jr.
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Law and The Christian Tradition in Scandinavia:
The Writings of Great Nordic Jurists

Kjell A. Modéer and Helle Vogt
(Routledge, 2020)
Leading legal scholar John Witte, Jr. explores the role religion played in the development of rights in the Western legal tradition and traces the complex interplay between human rights and religious freedom norms in modern domestic and international law. He examines how US courts are moving towards greater religious freedom, while recent decisions of the pan-European courts in Strasbourg and Luxembourg have harmed new religious minorities and threatened old religious traditions in Europe. Witte argues that the robust promotion and protection of religious freedom is the best way to protect many other fundamental rights today, even though religious freedom and other fundamental rights sometimes clash and need judicious balancing. He also responds to various modern critics who see human rights as a betrayal of Christianity and religious freedom as a betrayal of human rights.The entwinement of law and religion in Scandinavia encompasses an unusual history, not widely known yet important for its impact on contemporary political and international relations in the region. The volume provides a holistic picture from the first written legal sources of the twelfth century to the law of the present secular welfare states. It recounts this history through biographical case studies. Taking the point of view of major influential figures in church, politics, university, and law, it thus presents the principal actors who served as catalysts in ecclesiastical and secular law through the centuries. This refreshing approach to legal history contributes to a new trend in historiography, particularly articulated by a younger generation of experienced Nordic scholars whose work is featured prominently in this volume.
First Name: John
Last Name: Witte, Jr.
First Name: Kjell A.
Last Name: Modéer
The Impact of the Market on Character Formation,
The Impact of Religion on Character Formation,
The Impact of the Market on Character Formation,
Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values
in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

Jürgen Von Hagen and Michael Welker
(Leipzig, 2020)
The Impact of Religion on Character Formation,
Ethical Education and the Communication of Values
in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies

Michael Welker, John Witte, Jr., and Stephen Pickard
(Leipzig, 2020)
Pluralism has become the defining characteristic of modern societies. Individuals with differing values clamor for equality. Organizations and groups assert particular interests. Social movements flourish and fade. Some see in this clash of principles and aims the potential for a more just human community, while others fear the erosion of enduring culture. Yet beneath this welter stand powerful and pervasive institutions, whose distinctive norms profoundly shape our moral commitments and character—notably the family, the market, the media, and systems of law, religion, politics, research, education, health care, and defense. Drawing on scholarship from five continents, many disciplines, and diverse religious perspectives, this series examines the impact of these various institutions on moral education, character, and values. As globalization carries the shifting dynamic between individuals and institutions into every part of the globe, the contributors hope that this conversation ...Pluralism has become the defining characteristic of modern societies. Individuals with differing values clamor for equality. Organizations and groups assert particular interests. Social movements flourish and fade. Some see in this clash of principles and aims the potential for a more just human community, while others fear the erosion of enduring culture. Yet beneath this welter stand powerful and pervasive institutions, whose distinctive norms profoundly shape our moral commitments and character—notably the family, the market, the media, and systems of law, religion, politics, research, education, health care, and defense.
First Name: Jürgen
Last Name: Von Hagen
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Welker
Law, Love and Freedom:
Care for the World:
Law, Love and Freedom:
From the Sacred to the Secular

Joshua Neoh
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Care for the World:
Laudato Si' and Catholic Social Thought
in an Era of Climate Crisis

Frank Pasquale
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
How does one lead a life of law, love, and freedom? This inquiry has very deep roots in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Indeed, the divergent answers to this inquiry mark the transition from Judeo to Christian. This book returns to those roots to trace the twists and turns that these ideas have taken as they move from the sacred to the secular. It relates our most important mode of social organization, law, to two of our most cherished values, love and freedom. In this book, Joshua Neoh sketches the moral vision that underlies our modern legal order and traces our secular legal ideas (constitutionalism versus anarchism) to their theological origins (monasticism versus antinomianism). Law, Love, and Freedom brings together a diverse cast of characters, including Paul and Luther, Augustine and Aquinas, monks and Gnostics, and constitutionalists and anarchists. This book is valuable to any lawyers, philosophers, theologians and historians, who are interested in law as a humanistic discipline.Convening leading scholars to reflect on the practical and philosophical implications of religious values, this volume is an accessible introduction to Catholic social thought on contemporary affairs. Its gracefully written chapters cover three themes - direct environmental policy implications of Laudato Si', philosophical alternatives to dominant policy discourse, and renewed political economy based on robust conceptions of human flourishing. Care for the World offers learned reflections on what it would mean to express an ethic of compassion in an era of climate crises.
First Name: Joshua
Last Name: Neoh
First Name: Frank
Last Name: Pasquale
Great Christian Jurists and Legal Collections
The Possibility of Religious Freedom:
Great Christian Jurists and Legal Collections
in the First Millennium

Philip L. Reynolds
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
The Possibility of Religious Freedom:
Early Natural Law and the Abrahamic Faiths

Karen Taliaferro
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Great Christian Jurists and Legal Collections in the First Millennium is a systematic collection of essays describing how Christian leaders and scholars of the first millennium in the West contributed to law and jurisprudence and used written norms and corrective practices to maintain social order and to guide people from this life into the next. With chapters on topics such as Roman and post-Roman law, church councils, the papacy, and the relationship between royal and ecclesiastical authority, as well as on individual authors such as Lactantius, Ambrosiaster, Augustine, Leo I, Gelasius I, and Gregory the Great, this book invites a more holistic and realistic appreciation of early-medieval contributions to the history of law and jurisprudence for entry-level students and scholars alike. Great Christian Jurists and Legal Collections in the First Millennium provides a fresh look, from a new perspective, enabling readers to see these familiar authors in a fresh light.Religious freedom is one of the most debated and controversial human rights in contemporary public discourse. At once a universally held human right and a flash point in the political sphere, religious freedom has resisted scholarly efforts to define its parameters. Taliaferro explores a different way of examining the tensions between the aims of religion and the needs of political communities, arguing that religious freedom is a uniquely difficult human right to uphold because it rests on two competing conceptions, human and divine. Drawing on classical natural law, Taliaferro expounds a new, practical theory of religious freedom for the modern world. By examining conceptions of law such as Sophocles' Antigone, Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed, Ibn Rushd's Middle Commentary on Aristotle's Rhetoric, and Tertullian's writings, The Possibility of Religious Freedom explains how expanding our notion of law to incorporate such theories can mediate conflicts of human and divine law and provide a solid foundation for religious liberty in modernity's pluralism.
First Name: Philip L.
Last Name: Reynolds
First Name: Karen
Last Name: Taliaferro
Libertad Religiosa en Estados Unidos:
Infidels and Empires in a New World Order:
Libertad Religiosa en Estados Unidos:
Historia de un experimento Constitucional

John Witte, Jr., and Joel A. Nichols
(Corporación de Estudios y Publicaciones, 2018)
Infidels and Empires in a New World Order:
Early Modern Spanish Contributions
to International Legal Thought

David M. Lantigua
(Cambridge University Press, 2020)
La constitución de E.U.A. ha llegado a ser muy importante en el desarrollo de los derechos de las personas. Especialmente, en la primera de sus enmiendas —primera en muchos sentidos— que trata sobre la libertad religiosa, supuso un cambio de paradigmas. Mucha experiencia se puede sacar de este “experimento norteamericano”.Before international relations in the West, there were Christian-infidel relations. Infidels and Empires in a New World Order decenters the dominant story of international relations beginning with Westphalia in 1648 by looking a century earlier to the Spanish imperial debate at Valladolid addressing the conversion of native peoples of the Americas. In addition to telling this crucial yet overlooked story from the colonial margins of Western Europe, this book examines the Anglo-Iberian Atlantic to consider how the ambivalent status of the infidel other under natural law and the law of nations culminating at Valladolid shaped subsequent international relations in explicit but mostly obscure ways. From Hernán Cortés to Samuel Purchas, and Bartolomé de las Casas to New England Puritans, a host of unconventional colonial figures enter into conversation with Francisco de Vitoria, Hugo Grotius, and John Locke to reveal astonishing religious continuities and dissonances in early modern international legal thought with important implications for contemporary global society.
First Name: John
Last Name: Witte, Jr.
First Name: David M.
Last Name: Lantigua
The Immortal Commonwealth:
The Profession of Ecclesiastical Lawyers:
The Immortal Commonwealth:
Covenant, Community, and Political Resistance
in Early Reformed Thought

David P. Henreckson
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
The Profession of Ecclesiastical Lawyers:
An Historical Introduction

R.H. Helmholz
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
In the midst of intense religious conflict in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century, theological and political concepts converged in remarkable ways. Incited by the slaughter of French Protestants in the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Reformed theologians and lawyers began to marshal arguments for political resistance. These theological arguments were grounded in uniquely religious conceptions of the covenant, community, and popular sovereignty. While other works of historical scholarship have focused on the political and legal sources of this strain of early modern resistance literature, The Immortal Commonwealth examines the frequently overlooked theological sources of these writings. It reveals how Reformed thinkers such as Heinrich Bullinger, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, and Johannes Althusius used traditional theological conceptions of covenant and community for surprisingly radical political ends.Historians of the English legal profession have written comparatively little about the lawyers who served in the courts of the Church. This volume fills a gap; it investigates the law by which they were governed and discusses their careers in legal practice. Using sources drawn from the Roman and canon laws and also from manuscripts found in local archives, R. H. Helmholz brings together previously published work and new evidence about the professional careers of these men. His book covers the careers of many lesser known ecclesiastical lawyers, dealing with their education in law, their reaction to the coming of the Reformation, and their relationship with English common lawyers on the eve of the Civil War. Making connections with the European ius commune, this volume will be of special interest to English and Continental legal historians, as well as to students of the relationship between law and religion.
First Name: David P.
Last Name: Henreckson
First Name: R. H.
Last Name: Helmholz
Christianity and the Laws of Conscience:
Church Law in Modernity:
Christianity and the Laws of Conscience:
An Introduction

Jeffrey B. Hammond and Helen M. Alvare
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Church Law in Modernity:
Toward a Theory of Canon Law
between Nature and Culture

Judith Hahn
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Conscience has long been a foundational theme in Christian ethics, but it is a notoriously slippery and contested term. This volume works to define conscience and reveal the similarities and differences between different Christian traditions' thinking on the subject. In a thorough and scholarly manner, the authors explore Christian theological, legal, constitutional, historical, and philosophical meanings of conscience. Covering a range of historical periods, major figures in the development of conscience, and contemporary applications, this book is a vital source for scholars from a wide variety of disciplines seeking to understand conscience from a range of perspectives.Natural law has long been considered the traditional source of Roman Catholic canon law. However, new scholarship is critical of this approach as it portrays the Catholic Church as static, ahistorical, and insensitive to cultural change. In its attempt to stem the massive loss of effectiveness being experienced by canon law, the church has to reconsider its theory of legal foundation, especially its natural law theory. Church Law in Modernity analyses the criticism levelled at the church and puts forward solutions for reconciling church law with modernity by revealing the historical and cultural authenticity of all law, and revising the processes of law making. In a modern church, there is no way of thinking of the law without the participation of the faithful in legislation. Judith Hahn therefore proposes a reformed legislative process for the church in the hope of reconciling the natural law origins of church law with a new, modern theology.
First Name: Jeffrey B.
Last Name: Hammond
First Name: Judith
Last Name: Hahn
Rentier Islamism:
Common Law and Natural Law in America:
Rentier Islamism:
The Influence of the Muslim
Brotherhood in Gulf Monarchies

Courtney Freer
(Oxford University Press, 2018)
Common Law and Natural Law in America:
From the Puritans to the Legal Realists

Andrew Forsyth
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
While scholars have long looked at the role of political Islam in the Middle East, it has been assumed that domestic politics in the wealthy monarchical states of the Arabian Gulf, so-called "rentier states" where taxes are very low and oil wealth subsidizes the needs of citizens, are largely unaffected by such movements. However, the long accepted rentier theory has been shortsighted in overlooking the socio-political role played by Muslim Brotherhood affiliates in the super-rentiers of Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. While rentier state theory assumes that citizens of such states will form opposition blocs only when their stake in rent income is threatened, this book demonstrates that ideology, rather than rent, have motivated the formation of independent Islamist movements in the wealthiest states of the region. In the monarchical systems of Qatar and the UAE, Islamist groups do not have the opportunity to compete for power and therefore cannot use the ballot box to gain popularity or influence political life, as they do elsewhere in the Middle East. But, as this book points out, the division between the social and political sectors is often blurred in the socially conservative states of the Gulf, as political actors operate through channels that are not institutionalized. Simply because politics is underinstitutionalized in such states does not mean that it is underdeveloped; the informal realm holds considerable political capital. As such, the book argues that Brotherhood movements have managed to use the links between the social (i.e. informal personal networks) and political (i.e. government institutions) to gain influence in policymaking in such states.Using contemporary history and original empirical research, Courtney Freer updates traditional rentier state theory and argues that political Islam serves as a prominent voice and tool to promote more strictly political, and often populist or reformist, views supported by many Gulf citizens.Speaking to today's flourishing conversations on both law, morality, and religion, and the religious foundations of law, politics, and society, Common Law and Natural Law in America is an ambitious four-hundred-year narrative and fresh re-assessment of the varied American interactions of 'common law', the stuff of courtrooms, and 'natural law', a law built on human reason, nature, and the mind or will of God. It offers a counter-narrative to the dominant story of common law and natural law by drawing widely from theological and philosophical accounts of natural law, as well as primary and secondary work in legal and intellectual history. With consequences for today's natural-law proponents and critics alike, it explores the thought of the Puritans, Revolutionary Americans, and seminal legal figures including William Blackstone, Joseph Story, Christopher Columbus Langdell, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and the legal realists.
First Name: Courtney
Last Name: Freer
First Name: Andrew
Last Name: Forsyth
Roman Law:
Church Laws and Ecumenism:
Roman Law:
An Introduction

Rafael Domingo
(Routledge, 2018)
Church Laws and Ecumenism:
A New Path for Christian Unity

Norman Doe
(Routledge, 2020)
Roman Law: An Introduction offers a clear and accessible introduction to Roman law for students of any legal tradition. In the thousand years between the Law of the Twelve Tables and Justinian’s massive Codification, the Romans developed the most sophisticated and comprehensive secular legal system of Antiquity, which remains at the heart of the civil law tradition of Europe, Latin America, and some countries of Asia and Africa. Roman lawyers created new legal concepts, ideas, rules, and mechanisms that most Western legal systems still apply. The study of Roman law thus facilitates understanding among people of different cultures by inspiring a kind of legal common sense and breadth of knowledge.Written by experts from within their communities, this book compares the legal regimes of Christian churches as systems of religious law. The ecumenical movement, with its historical theological focus, has failed to date to address the role of church law in shaping relations between churches and fostering greater mutual understanding between them. In turn, theologians and jurists from the different traditions have not hitherto worked together on a fully ecumenical appreciation of the potential value of church laws to help, and sometimes to hinder, the achievement of greater Christian unity. This book seeks to correct this ecumenical church law deficit. It takes account of the recent formulation by an ecumenical panel of a Statement of Principles of Christian Law, which has been welcomed by Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, leader of the Orthodox Church worldwide, as recognizing the importance of canon law for ecumenical dialogue. This book, therefore, not only provides the fruits of an understanding of church laws within ten Christian traditions, but also critically evaluates the Statement against the laws of these individual ecclesial communities. The book will be an essential resource for scholars of law and religion, theology, and sociology. It will also be of interest to those working in religious institutions and policy-makers.
First Name: Rafael
Last Name: Domingo
First Name: Norman
Last Name: Doe
Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries
Christianity and Market Regulation
Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries
Wim Decock and Janwillem Oosterhuis
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Christianity and Market Regulation
Daniel A. Crane and Samuel Gregg
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
What impact has Christianity had on law and policies in the Lowlands from the eleventh century through the end of the twentieth century? Taking the gradual 'secularization' of European legal culture as a framework, this volume explores the lives and times of twenty legal scholars and professionals to study the historical impact of the Christian faith on legal and political life in the Low Countries. The process whereby Christian belief systems gradually lost their impact on the regulation of secular affairs passed through several stages, not in the least the Protestant Reformation, which led to the separation of the Low Countries in a Protestant North and a Catholic South in the first place. The contributions take up general issues such as the relationship between justice and mercy, Christianity and politics as well as more technical topics of state-church law, criminal law and social policy.Historically, the Christian tradition has played an influential role in Western economic thought concerning the regulation of markets, but, with the fracturing of the Christian tradition following the Reformation, the decline of Christian influence in academia, and the increasing specialization of economic analysis, that influence has become increasingly opaque. This volume brings together an interdisciplinary team of prominent academic experts on market regulation from four different continents and various faith traditions to reconsider the impact of Christianity on market regulation. Drawing on law, economics, history, theology, philosophy, and political theory, the authors consider both general questions of market regulation and particular regulatory fields such as bankruptcy, corporate law, and antitrust from a Christian perspective.
First Name: Wim
Last Name: Decock
First Name: Daniel A.
Last Name: Crane
Christianity and Private Law
Tax Law, Religion, and Justice:
Christianity and Private Law
Robert F. Cochran, Jr. and Michael P. Moreland
(Routledge, 2020)
Tax Law, Religion, and Justice:
An Exploration of Theological Reflections on Taxation

Allen Calhoun
(Routledge, 2021)
This volume examines the relationship between Christian legal theory and the fields of private law. Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest in private law theory, and this book contributes to that discussion by drawing on the historical, theological, and philosophical resources of the Christian tradition. The book begins with an introduction from the editors that lays out the understanding of "private law" and what distinguishes private law topics from other fields of law. This section includes two survey chapters on natural law and biblical sources. The remaining sections of the book move sequentially through the fields of property, contracts, and torts. Several chapters focus on historical sources and show the ways in which the evolution of legal doctrine in areas of private law has been heavily influenced by Christian thinkers. Other chapters draw out more contemporary and public policy-related implications for private law.This book asks why tax policy is both attracted to and repelled by the idea of justice. Accepting the invitation of economist Henry Simons to acknowledge that tax justice is a theological concept, the work explores theological doctrines of taxation to answer the presenting question. The overall message of the book is that taxation is an instrument of justice, but only when taxes take into account multiple goods in society: the requirements of the government, the property rights of society’s members, and the material needs of the poor. It is argued that this answer to the presenting question is a theological and ethical answer in that it derives from the insistence of Christian thinkers that tax policy take into account material human need (necessitas). Without the necessitas component of the tax balance, tax systems end up honoring only one of the three components of the tax equation and cease to reflect a coherent idea of justice. The book will be of interest to academics and researchers working in the areas of tax law, economics, theology, and history.
First Name: Robert F.
Last Name: Cochran, Jr.
First Name: Allen
Last Name: Calhoun
Catholic Social Teaching:
The Revolution in Freedoms of Press and Speech:
Catholic Social Teaching:
A Volume of Scholarly Essays

Gerard V. Bradley and E. Christian Brugger
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
The Revolution in Freedoms of Press and Speech:
From Blackstone to the First Amendment

Wendell Bird
(Oxford University Press, 2020)
Catholic social teaching (CST) refers to the corpus of authoritative ecclesiastical teaching, usually in the form of papal encyclicals, on social matters, beginning with Pope Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum (1891) and running through Pope Francis. CST is not a social science and its texts are not pragmatic primers for social activists. It is a normative exercise of Church teaching, a kind of comprehensive applied - although far from systematic - social moral theology. This volume is a scholarly engagement with this 130-year-old documentary tradition. Its twenty-three essays aim to provide a constructive, historically sophisticated, critical exegesis of all the major (and some of the minor) documents of CST. The volume's appeal is not limited to Catholics, or even just to those who embrace, or who are seriously interested in, Christianity. Its appeal is to any scholar interested in the history or content of modern CST.Proposes a radical reinterpretation of the history of freedoms of press and speech in England and in America. Provides a thoroughly documented history of the press and speech provisions of the First Amendment. Proffers a description of the major cases through the 17th and 18th centuries in the history of freedoms of press and speech.
First Name: Gerard V.
Last Name: Bradley
First Name: Wendell
Last Name: Bird
Criminal Dissent:
Giving Voice to Values as a Professional Physician:
Criminal Dissent:
The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798

Wendell Bird
(Harvard University Press, 2020)
Giving Voice to Values as a Professional Physician:
An Introduction to Medical Ethics

Ira Bedzow
(Routledge, 2019)
In the first complete account of prosecutions under the Alien and Sedition Acts, dozens of previously unknown cases come to light, revealing the lengths to which the John Adams administration went in order to criminalize dissent. The Alien and Sedition Acts launched a foundational debate on press freedom, freedom of speech, and the legitimacy of opposition politics. The result was widespread revulsion over the government’s attempt to deprive Americans of their hard-won liberties. Criminal Dissent is a potent reminder of just how fundamental those rights are to a stable democracy. Giving Voice to Values as a Professional Physician provides students with the theoretical background and practical applications for acting on their values in situations of ethical conflict. It is the first medical ethics book that utilizes the Giving Voice to Values methodology to instruct students in medical ethics and professionalism. In doing so, it shifts the focus of ethics education from intellectually examining ethical theories and conflicts to emphasizing moral action. Each section of the book explains how moral decision-making and action can be implemented in the healthcare arena. Medical ethics cases are provided throughout in order to assist students in giving voice to their values and developing skills for professional action. The book provides a unique guide for professional identity formation and the teaching of ethics in medical schools.
First Name: Wendell
Last Name: Bird
First Name: Ira
Last Name: Bedzow
Decolonizing Human Rights
Maimonides for Moderns:
Decolonizing Human Rights
Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na'im
(Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Maimonides for Moderns:
A Statement of Contemporary Jewish Philosophy

Ira Bedzow
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2017)
In his extensive body of work, Professor Abdullahi Ahmed An-Naim challenges both historical interpretations of Islamic Sharia and neo-colonial understanding of human rights. To advance the rationale of scholarship for social change, An-Naim proposes advancing the universality of human rights through internal discourse within Islamic and African societies and cross-cultural dialogue among human cultures. This book proposes a transformation from human rights organized around a state determined practice to one that is focused on a people-centric approach that empowers individuals to decide how human rights will be understood and integrated into their communities. Decolonizing Human Rights aims to illustrate the decisive role of human agency on the subject of change, without implying that Islamic or any other society are exceptionally disposed to politically motivated violence and consequent profound political instability.This book aims to construct a contemporary Jewish philosophy that accounts for virtue ethics or, rather, to give Jewish virtue ethics a contemporary language for its expression. Ira Bedzow draws significantly on the work of Moses Maimonides and his religio-philosophical explanation of Jewish ethics. However, Bedzow moves away from various aspects of Maimonides’s Aristotelian biology, physics, metaphysics, and psychology. The objective of the volume is to integrate the normative principles of the Jewish tradition into everyday life. While the book translates Jewish ethics from a medieval, Aristotelian framework into a contemporary one, it also serves as a means for Judaism to continue as a living tradition.
First Name: Abdullahi
Last Name: Ahmed An-Na'im
First Name: Bedzow
Last Name: Ira
Christianity and the Law of Migration
Setting the Table
Christianity and the Law of Migration
Silas W. Allard, Kristin E. Heyer, and Raj Nadella
(Routledge, 2021)
Setting the Table
An Introduction to the Jurisprudence of Rabbi Yechiel Mikhel Epstein’s Arukh haShulhan

Michael J. Broyde and Shlomo Pill
(Academic Studies Press, 2020)
Gathering 14 leading scholars from both law and Christian theology, the book covers legal perspectives, theological perspectives, and key concepts in migration studies. In Part 1, scholars of migration law and policy discuss the legal landscape of migration at both the domestic and international level. In Part 2, Christian theologians, ethicists, and biblical scholars draw on the resources of the Christian tradition to think about migration. In Part 3, each chapter is co-authored by a scholar of law and a scholar of Christian theology, who bring their respective resources and perspectives into conversation on key themes within migration studies.This book explains the major jurisprudential factors driving the halakhic jurisprudence of Rabbi Yehiel Mikhel Epstein, twentieth-century author of the Arukh Hashulchan—the most comprehensive, seminal, and original modern restatement of Jewish law since Maimonides. Reasoning inductively from a broad review of hundreds of rulings from the Orach Chaim section of the Arukh Hashulchan, the book teases out and explicates ten core halakhic principles that animate Rabbi Epstein’s halakhic decision-making. Along the way, it compares the Arukh Hashulchan methodology to that of the Mishna Berura. This book will help any reader understand important methodological issues in both Jewish and general jurisprudence.
First Name: Silas W.
Last Name: Allard
First Name: Michael J.
Last Name: Broyde
Law, Religion and the Environment in Africa
Sex in the Garden: Consensual Encounters Gone Bad
Law, Religion and the Environment in Africa
M. Christian Green and Muhammad Haron, eds.
(African Sun Media, 2020)
Sex in the Garden: Consensual Encounters Gone Bad
Michael J. Broyde, Reuven Travis
(Wipf and Stock, 2019)
This volume explores themes of ecotheology, ecofeminism, environmental pollution and degradation, climate change, human and environmental rights, sustainable development, human-animal relations through totem and taboo, sacred sites and spaces, and other environmental topics in ways that add immeasurably to the study of African environmentalisms and the interaction of law and religion. In terms of religion, the capability of humans not only to sin and destroy the earth, but also to repair and redeem it, is very much in evidence across Christianity, Islam and Africa’s many indigenous religious and cultural traditions. In terms of law, the need for effective policies and for states and governments to work with indigenous groups and communities towards environmental solutions is also apparent.In the #MeToo times in which we live, there are few hard and fast rules that govern personal encounters and sexual liaisons. Consent, so long as it is neither coerced nor forced, dictates all. Astute students of the Bible will see this aspect of our current social milieu reflected in the book of Genesis. Genesis is not a book about laws. There are no “thou shall” or “thou shall not” commandments given over by God to humanity. Instead, its narrative depicts the cultures of its time as operating on personal choices and personal freedoms.
First Name: M. Christian
Last Name: Green
First Name: Michael J.
Last Name: Broyde
Great Christian Jurists in German History
Great Christian Jurists in American History
Great Christian Jurists in German History
Mathias Schmoeckel, John Witte Jr.
(Mohr Siebeck, 2020)
Great Christian Jurists in American History
David L. Dreisbach, Mark David Hall
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
This volume is part of a 50-volume series on “Great Christian Jurists,” presenting the interaction of law and Christianity through the biographies of 1000 legal figures of the past two millennia from Albert the Great and Eike von Repgow in the Middle Ages to Konrad Adenauer and Stephan Kuttner in the twentieth century. Each chapter analyzes the influence of Christianity on their lives and legal work and sketches their enduring influence on the laws of church and state. Featuring freshly written chapters, this is the first overview in English of the relationship of Christianity and German law in the second millennium. Authoritative, accessible, and engaging, this study is a vital scholarly resource and classroom text.This volume explores the intersection of law and Christianity, examining the impact of Christianity on North American life from the colonial era until today. Each chapter in this volume focuses on a specific Christian jurist from the centuries spanning America’s history; highlighting jurists from the time of English settlements in the early seventeenth century, to the American life and law of the twenty-first century.
First Name: Mathias
Last Name: Schmoeckel
First Name: Daniel L.
Last Name: Dreisbach
Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy
Christianity and Criminal Law
Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy
The Legacy of the Great Jurists

Orazio Condorelli, Rafael Domingo
(Routledge, 2020)
Christianity and Criminal Law
Mark Hill QC, Norman Doe, RH Helmholz, and John Witte, Jr
(Routledge, 2020)
This volume is part of a 50-volume series on “Great Christian Jurists,” presenting the interaction of law and Christianity through the biographies of 1000 legal figures of the past two millennia. Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy: The Legacy of Christian Jurists presents 26 chapters and biographical case studies on major Italian scholars from Irnerius and Gratian in the early twelfth century to Pope Paul VI of the Second Vatical Council. Included are studies of famous civilians, notable jurists, and other lesser-known scholars worthy of global attention. This book is essential reading for all interested in the historical intersections of law and religion and their contemporary consequences.This collection presents historical, theological, philosophical and legal perspectives on Christianity and criminal law. The book is divided into four thematic sections. Part I addresses the historical contributions of Christianity to criminal law drawing on biblical sources, early church fathers and canonists, as far as the Enlightenment. Part II, titled Christianity and the principles of criminal law, compares crime and sin, examines concepts of mens rea and intention, and considers the virtue of due process within criminal justice. Part III looks at Christianity and criminal offences, considering their Christian origins and continuing relevance for several basic crimes that every legal system prohibits. Finally, in Part IV, the authors consider Christianity and the enforcement of criminal law, looking at defences, punishment and forgiveness.
First Name: Orazio
Last Name: Condorelli
First Name: Mark
Last Name: Hill QC
Great Christian Jurists in French History
Christianity and Global Law
Great Christian Jurists in French History
Olivier Descamps and Rafael Domingo
(Cambridge University Press, 2019)
Christianity and Global Law
Rafael Domingo and John Witte, Jr.
(Routledge, 2020)
French legal culture, from the Middle Ages to the present day, has had an impressive influence on legal norms and institutions that have emerged in Europe and the Americas, as well as in Asian and African countries. This volume examines the lives of twenty-seven key legal thinkers in French history, with a focus on how their Christian faith and ideals were a factor in framing the evolution of French jurisprudence. Professors Olivier Descamps and Rafael Domingo bring together this diverse group of distinguished legal scholars and historians to provide a unique comparative study of law and religion that will be of value to scholars, lawyers, and students. The collaboration among French and non-French scholars, and the diversity of international and methodological perspectives, gives this volume its own unique character and value to add to this fascinating series.This book explores both historical and contemporary Christian sources and dimensions of global law and includes critical perspectives from various religious and philosophical traditions. Two dozen leading scholars discuss the constituent principles of this new global legal order historically, comparatively, and currently. Together, they insist that Christianity, as one of the world’s great religions, has deep norms and practices, ideas and institutions, prophets and procedures that can be of benefit as the world struggles to find global legal resources to confront humanity’s greatest challenges.
First Name: Olivier
Last Name: Descamps
First Name: Rafael
Last Name: Domingo
A Concise Code of Jewish Law for Converts
Sharia Tribunals, Rabbinical Courts, and Christian Panels:
A Concise Code of Jewish Law for Converts
Michael J. Broyde
(Urim Publications, 2017)
Sharia Tribunals, Rabbinical Courts, and Christian Panels:
Religious Arbitration in America and the West

Michael J. Broyde
(Oxford University Press, 2017)
While the topic of conversion in Judaism has been extensively covered, no one has explored the particular laws related to after conversion. In A Concise Code of Jewish Law for Converts, Michael J. Broyde explores many topics and questions that revolve around the life of a Jewish convert.This book explores the rise of private arbitration in religious and other values-oriented communities, and it argues that secular societies should use secular legal frameworks to facilitate, enforce, and also regulate religious arbitration. It covers the history of religious arbitration; the kinds of faith-based dispute resolution models currently in use; how the law should perceive them; and what the role of religious arbitration in the United States and the western world should be.
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Broyde
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Broyde
Agape, Justice, and Law:
Christianity and Natural Law:
Agape, Justice, and Law:
How Might Christian Love Shape Law?

Robert F. Cochran, Jr. and Zachary Calo, eds
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Christianity and Natural Law:
An Introduction

Norman Doe
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
In a provocative essay, philosopher Jeffrie Murphy asks: 'what would law be like if we organized it around the value of Christian love, and if we thought about and criticized law in terms of that value?'. This book brings together leading scholars from a variety of disciplines to address that question. Scholars have given surprisingly little attention to assessing how the central Christian ethical category of love - agape - might impact the way we understand law.Historically, natural law has played a pivotal role in Christian approaches to the law, and a contested role in legal philosophy generally. However, comparative study of natural law across global Christian traditions is largely neglected. This book provides not only the history of natural law ideas across mainstream Christian traditions worldwide, but also an ecumenical comparison of the contemporary natural law positions of different traditions.
First Name: Robert
Last Name: Cochran, Jr.
First Name: Norman
Last Name: Doe
Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History
Legalizing Plural Marriage:
Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History
Rafael Domingo and Javier Martínez-Torrón, eds.
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)
Legalizing Plural Marriage:
The Next Frontier in Family Law

Mark A. Goldfeder
(Brandeis University Press, 2017)
The Great Christian Jurists series comprises a library of national volumes of detailed biographies of leading jurists, judges and practitioners, assessing the impact of their Christian faith on the professional output of the individuals studied. Spanish legal culture, developed during the Spanish Golden Age, has had a significant influence on the legal norms and institutions that emerged in Europe and in Latin America. This volume examines the lives of twenty key personalities in Spanish legal history, in particular how their Christian faith was a factor in molding the evolution of law.Polygamous marriages are currently recognized in nearly fifty countries worldwide. Although polygamy is technically illegal in the United States, it is practiced by members of some religious communities and a growing number of other 'poly' groups. In the radically changing and increasingly multicultural world in which we live, the time has come to define polygamous marriage and address its legal feasibilities.
First Name: Rafael
Last Name: Domingo
First Name: Mark
Last Name: Goldfeder
God and the Illegal Alien
Great Christian Jurists in English History
God and the Illegal Alien
United States Immigration Law
and a Theology of Politics

Robert W. Heimburger
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Great Christian Jurists in English History
Mark Hill and R.H. Helmholz, eds.
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Today in the United States, millions of men, women, and children are considered 'illegal aliens' under federal law. While the presence of these migrants runs against the law, many arrive in response to US demand for cheap labor and stay to contribute to community life. The Great Christian Jurists series comprises a library of national volumes of detailed biographies of leading jurists, judges and practitioners, assessing the impact of their Christian faith on the professional output of the individuals studied.
First Name: Robert
Last Name: Heimburger
First Name: Mark
Last Name: Hill
Religious Liberty, Volume 3:
Religious Liberty, Volume 4
Religious Liberty, Volume 3:
Religious Freedom Restoration Acts,
Same-Sex Marriage Legislation, and the Culture Wars

Douglas Laycock
(William B. Eerdmans, 2018)
Religious Liberty, Volume 4
Federal Legislation after the Religious Freedom Restoration Act,
with More on the Culture Wars

Douglas Laycock
(William B. Eerdmans, 2018)
One of the most respected and influential scholars of religious liberty in our time, Douglas Laycock has argued many crucial religious-liberty cases in the United States Supreme Court. His noteworthy scholarly and popular writings are being collected in five comprehensive volumes under the title Religious Liberty.One of the most respected and influential scholars of religious liberty in our time, Douglas Laycock has argued many crucial religious-liberty cases in the United States Supreme Court. His noteworthy scholarly and popular writings are being collected in five comprehensive volumes under the title Religious Liberty.
First Name: Douglas
Last Name: Laycock
First Name: Douglas
Last Name: Laycock
Religious Liberty, Volume 5:
The Peril and Promise of Christian Liberty:
Religious Liberty, Volume 5:
The Free Speech and Establishment Clauses

Douglas Laycock
(William B. Eerdmans, 2018)
The Peril and Promise of Christian Liberty:
Richard Hooker, the Puritans, and Protestant Political Theology

Bradford B. LittleJohn
(William B. Eerdmans, 2017)
One of the most respected and influential scholars of religious liberty in our time, Douglas Laycock has argued many crucial religious-liberty cases in the United States Supreme Court. His noteworthy scholarly and popular writings are being collected in five comprehensive volumes under the title Religious Liberty.How do Christians determine when to obey God even if that means disobeying other people? In this book W. Bradford Littlejohn addresses that question as he unpacks the magisterial political-theological work of Richard Hooker, a leading figure in the sixteenth-century English Reformation.
First Name: Douglas
Last Name: Laycock
First Name: Bradford
Last Name: Littlejohn
A Global Political Morality:
Under Caesar's Sword:
A Global Political Morality:
Human Rights, Democracy, and Constitutionalism

Michael J. Perry
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Under Caesar's Sword:
How Christians Respond to Persecution

Daniel Philpott and Timothy Samuel Shah, eds.
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)
n A Global Political Morality, Michael J. Perry addresses several related questions in human rights theory, political theory and constitutional theory. He begins by explaining what the term 'human right' means and then elaborates and defends the morality of human rights, which is the first truly global morality in human history.The global persecution of Christians is an urgent human rights issue that remains underreported. This volume presents the results of the first systematic global investigation into how Christians respond to persecution. World-class scholars of global Christianity present first-hand research from most of the sites of the harshest persecution as well as the West and Latin America.
First Name: Michael
Last Name: Perry
First Name: Daniel
Last Name: Philpott
Ministers of the Law:
Pagans and Christians in the City
Ministers of the Law:
A Natural Law Theory of Legal Authority

Jean Porter
(William B. Eerdmans, 2018)
Pagans and Christians in the City
Steven D. Smith
(William B. Eerdmans, 2018)
Jean Porter is John A. O'Brien Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame. Her other books include Natural and Divine Law and Nature as Reason.Traditionalist Christians who oppose same-sex marriage and other cultural developments in the US wonder why they are being forced to bracket their beliefs in order to participate in public life. This situation is not new, says Steven D. Smith: Christians two thousand years ago in the Roman Empire faced similar challenges and questions.
First Name: Jean
Last Name: Porter
First Name: Steven
Last Name: Smith
What Christianity Offers to the World of Law
Life to Come:
What Christianity Offers to the World of Law

(Journal of Law and Religion, 2017)
Life to Come:
Recreating Retirement

Steven M. Tipton
(United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 2018)
Symposium, 'What Christianity Offers to the World of Law.' Journal of Law and Religion 32 (2017): 4-97.Retirement not only offers a time to rest from our labors and relax with family and friends--to travel, play, and have fun--but it beckons us to find our true calling in action, peace of mind in reflection, the spirit moving in the moment of each day, and the grace of God in prayer and love of neighbor.
First Name: ZZZ
Last Name: ZZZ
First Name: Steven
Last Name: Tipton
Calvin's Political Theology and the Public Engagement
Church, State, and Family:
Calvin's Political Theology and the Public Engagement
of the Church: Christ's Two Kingdoms

Matthew J. Tuininga
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Church, State, and Family:
Reconciling Traditional Teachings and Modern Liberties

John Witte, Jr.
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)
In Calvin's Political Theology and the Public Engagement of the Church, Matthew J. Tuininga explores a little appreciated dimension of John Calvin's political thought, his two kingdoms theology, as a model for constructive Christian participation in liberal society. Widely misunderstood as a proto-political culture warrior, due in part to his often misinterpreted role in controversies over predestination and the heretic Servetus, Calvin articulated a thoughtful approach to public life rooted in his understanding of the gospel and its teaching concerning the kingdom of God.This book defends the fundamental place of the marital family in modern liberal societies. While applauding modern sexual freedoms, John Witte, Jr. also defends the traditional Western teaching that the marital family is an essential cradle of conscience, chrysalis of care, and cornerstone of ordered liberty. He thus urges churches, states, and other social institutions to protect and promote the marital family. He encourages reticent churches to embrace the rights of women and children, as Christians have long taught, and encourages modern states to promote responsible sexual freedom and family relations, as liberals have long said.
First Name: Matthew
Last Name: Tuininga
First Name: John
Last Name: Witte, Jr.
Christianity and Family Law:
The Protestant Reformation of the
Christianity and Family Law:
An Introduction

John Witte, Jr. and Gary S. Hauk, eds.
(Cambridge University Press, 2017)
The Protestant Reformation of the
Church and the World

John Witte, Jr. and Amy Wheeler, eds.
(Westminster John Knox Press, 2018)
The Western tradition has always cherished the family as an essential foundation of a just and orderly society, and thus accorded it special legal and religious protection. Christianity embraced this teaching from the start, and many of the basics of Western family law were shaped by the Christian theologies of nature, sacrament, and covenant. This volume introduces readers to the enduring and evolving Christian norms and teachings on betrothals and weddings; marriage and divorce; women's and children's rights; marital property and inheritance; and human sexuality and intimate relationships. From a distinguished assembly of twelve internationally acclaimed scholars comes this rich, interdisciplinary study that explores the Protestant Reformation and its resultant effects on the church as well as the world. The Reformation extended from the church to revolutionize art, music, literature, architecture, and aesthetics and transformed economics, trade, and banking; these transformations shifted power away from the church to the state as they unleashed radical new campaigns for freedom, equality, democracy, and constitutional order.
First Name: John
Last Name: Witte, Jr.
First Name: John
Last Name: Witte, Jr.